Women Empowerment Essays For Sale Aruba

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In 2015-2016, an average of USD 41.7 billion per year, corresponding to 37% of bilateral allocable aid, targeted gender equality and women’s equality as either a significant (secondary) or principal (primary) objective. This is higher than ever before. At the same time, support to programmes specifically dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment as their principal objective remains consistently low. In 2015-2016, support for dedicated gender equality programming amounted to USD 4.6 billion per year, representing only 4% of DAC members’ total bilateral allocable aid. In the economic and productive sectors, dedicated gender equality programming represented only 1% of total aid – a decrease from previous years. Data and gender equality marker Gender-related aid at a glance ‌ • Trends in aid to Gender equality • Aid by OECD DAC members • Aid by sector • Aid by instrument Latest reports • (Sep 2018) • (July 2018) • ( March 2018) Gender equality marker Data on DAC members’ aid targeting gender equality and women’s empowerment are compiled with the help of the gender equality marker in the Creditor Reporting System (CRS). Why do writers write cause and effect essays Every aid activity reported to the CRS should be screened and marked as either (i) targeting gender equality as a “principal objective” or a “significant objective”, or (ii) not targeting the objective.